8 800100-19-30
Faculty "Mechanical Engineering"

The fundamental aspects of Mechanical Engineering education remain unchanged but the areas of application become more and more diverse and important.  From jet engines to cell biology, the mechanical properties of materials are emerging as key parameters in understanding systems behavior.  For this reason, it is an exciting time to make studies in Mechanical Engineering. Our faculty provides 3 level degree programmes in engineering, mechanics and IT dataware design.

There are many opportunities for undergraduates to get hands-on experience, whether directly through courses or by working with a faculty member on their research projects, or joining one of the extra-curricular clubs.

At the graduate level, we offer both Master’s and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering with a range of options that are designed to meet the needs of students who are already working in industry as well as students who are following a more traditional path to a PhD. Students with non-engineering undergraduate degrees successfully combine the foundational undergraduate courses with a full graduate course-load to earn a Master’s degree in 2 years.


  • Metal Cutting Machines and Tools
  • Fundamentals of Machinery Design
  • Machinery Engineering Fundamentals